Monday, December 14, 2009

Chez Moi Take Two

I've been rather remiss lately in writing, though not from a lack of things to write about. Due to a number of odd situations where I lived, I began looking for a change in housing and have since then happily moved in with a British family in Aix. Long story short, a friend knew some people who had room to spare, and they have generously welcomed me into their home in exchange that I help their girls with French homework. After years of child care experience, I've learned that it can either be really awkward or great depending on the family dynamic. I had a good feeling about this family upon first meeting them, and thankfully I've been proven right.

We live in a beautiful French villa dating from the 1700s complete with spacious gardens and a swimming pool (which I am so looking forward to this spring). It's located just outside downtown Aix, so we have the calm of the countryside with the convenience of the city being a bus or bike ride away. I've got my own suite in a separate wing of the house with my own kitchen, bathroom, and guest rooms. I've really enjoyed having my own space but also feeling like I'm part of a family. The girls are a delight. Ottoline is 10, and Tallula is 9. They're bright and artistic, and we've had all sorts of fun cooking together. The parents, Caroline and Anthony are in the theater business (Anthony designs sets and Caroline used to direct a theater), and Anthony is currently designing a set for Shakespeare's A Comedy of Errors which will show in Manchester. Needless to say, they are also artistic, and their creativity definitely extends to the kitchen where the good meals with fresh French ingredients never cease.

I've adjusted to my new rhythm of life here, and am grateful to have such a positive and fun place to live. It's given me a way to fill what was seemingly endless free time while I still have my long weekends to do my own exploring and visiting friends. Perhaps best of all is that it's free - and with college loans mercilessly beginning three days after Christmas that is a blessing.

Speaking of Christmas, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my family this Thursday as they come here to celebrate Christmas with me! I couldn't think of a better gift. I'll dedicate another whole post to my experiences with Christmas so far in Provence as it has been everything from beautiful to quirky.

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